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Melissa Stangl, Co-Founder of Soltara Healing Center Interview on Building A Company
My business partner and Co-Founder of Soltara Healing Center, Melissa Stangl, comes to the podcast today to discuss how our ayahuasca retreat center came to be. Melissa and I have been through the ringer together, and she wears the lessons of entrepreneurship on her sleeve. We dive deep into the team building process that made Soltara what it is, highlighting lessons in plant medicine entrepreneurship, startup pitfalls, and sweet victories along the way. Plus we share some exciting news on the future of Soltara. If you feel called, please reach out and join the Soltara community to be a part of our journey. Enjoy.
Top 5 lessons in entrepreneurship from the episode:
Building A Team Over An Array Of Tasks
Becoming Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
The Importance of Relentless Pursuit
How to Practice Order and Accountability
Preparing for External Forces (COVID-19)
Quotes from the episode on finding your path and building a company:
“Had I taken the safe route, I think that would have given me a general sense of discomfort with my life, because I actually didn’t find out my potential.” – Melissa
“Failures equal experience. Just let yourself keep failing and failing again. You are who you are, and when you fail, you’re still you. You’re not any less worthy.” – Melissa
“It’s very difficult to be effective at running a company while also being best friends with everybody. You have to make unpopular calls” – Dan
As always this episode is brought to you by Soltara Healing Center.
Connect with Melissa Stangl
Instagram – @melissalynnestangl
Connect with Daniel Cleland
Website –
Instagram – @danielccleland
Twitter – @pulsedaniel
Facebook – @danielccleland
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