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14 Erick Godsey: Ayahuasca and Our Dharma

Today we have Erick Godsey on the Daniel Cleland Podcast. This man has a way with words as you’ll soon find out. Erick Godsey is a writer, podcaster, entrepreneur, psychonaut, and guest of Soltara Healing Center. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Erick is doing important work in addressing the psychological state of the world today. He is a coach for the Aubrey Marcus Fit For Service Mastermind and is working closely with Aubrey on his upcoming book Master Your Mind, Master Your Life. In this podcast, Erick shares his journey of coming to work for Aubrey Marcus and how it fits into his vocation of becoming an entrepreneur.

“When I graduated school, for two or three years, I really struggled with: Do I bring my talents to academia and get a PHD in Clinical Psychology? Or would I be more effective at helping the greatest number of people by learning how to actually be an entrepreneur? I realized that I had to choose the path that optimized human wellness.” – Erick Godsey on choosing to become an entrepreneur.

Erick and I talk psychedelics, specifically ayahuasca, and how he has integrated plant medicine to strengthen his mindset. He leaves plenty of golden nuggets for dealing with stress, anxiety, loneliness, and the dread of not knowing what to do in life. Naturally we get into some psychedelic vocabulary, which I’m sure you’ll recognize if you have any experience with ayahuasca or other psychedelics. Finally, Erick Godsey wraps it up with a powerful message from his latest ayahuasca experience, one you’ll want to stick around for. Enjoy the show.

As always, this episode is brought to you by Soltara Healing Center.

Connect with Erick Godsey and The Myths That Make Us

Website –

Instagram – @erickgodsey

Twitter – @ErickGodsey


Connect with Daniel Cleland

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