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Dorian Yates Interview on Ayahuasca, Career Transitions, COVID-19, and Bodybuilding Recovery

Ayahuasca adventurer, six-time Mr. Olympia, entrepreneur, and Soltara Healing Center guest Dorian Yates joins the Daniel Cleland Podcast today. Dorian is a legendary figure in the extreme sport of professional bodybuilding, known for his innovative training methodology. Over the past few years, Dorian Yates blew up on the psychedelic scene as a proponent of the powerful and transformative effects of psychedelics including ayahuasca. In this episode, we discuss his relationship with ayahuasca, transitioning careers, his research on the COVID-19 pandemic, and his wild, first plant medicine experience. You can find his ayahuasca story at the end of the podcast. Hope you enjoy this episode.

As always, this episode is brought to you by Soltara Healing Center.

Connect with Dorian Yates
Website –
Instagram – @thedorianyates
Twitter – @dorian_yates
Facebook – @DorianYatesDY

Connect with Daniel Cleland
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Instagram – @danielccleland
Twitter – @pulsedaniel
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Dorian Yates Ayahuasca

#15 Dorian Yates Interview on Ayahuasca, Career Transitions, COVID-19, and Bodybuilding Recovery